Caden will go in at 8:30am on Friday for a second treatment of botox to his upper esophagus muscle. This procedure will be performed as out-patient at MUSC Rutledge Tower. He will also have blood drawn for immunology ad endocrinology tests while he is sedated. Please take a moment to pray for our little boy and our family tomorrow morning. We ask that you take a moment to pray the words from our wise friends who emailed us this evening with this message:
we’ll be praying for Caden tomorrow and his botox treatment – for everything to go smoothly, wisdom for the doctor and other healthcare personnel caring for him, just the right dose to be given to him, easy recovery from anesthesia, safety in travels to and from, peace for the two of you, provision for Riley
Please also pray for me in particular. I continue to have a great battle with an almost unbearable amount of depression and stress at times. Thank you for your love and carrying for our family.
God Bless!