The test (CT Angiogram) that Caden had done last Wednesday delivered no new information. I am paraphrasing here; the cardiologist said that he did not learn anything from the CT Angiogram that he did not already know about Caden’s heart. That said, Caden is still tracking for an open-heart surgery within the next few weeks. We do not expect to have any other cardiology visits before Caden is admitted for surgery to repair the Supra Valvar Aortic Stenosis that was diagnosed on February 14th. We expect the surgery to be scheduled during the month of March based on conversations with the cardiologist but the case has been passed off to the surgeon’s office for scheduling at this point.
Caden finally gave us a big thrill this week by demonstrating his ability to sit up without any assistance. I got up a few days ago and stopped by his room to say goodbye only to find Caden sitting upright in his crib with a giant smile on his face. Since then he has actually shown us first-hand how he is doing this little trick. We knew he was doing it because we would lay him down and turn our back for a few minutes and then find him sitting. For a while we would ask ourselves, “Did I sit him upright?” This is so encouraging.
In other big news, I guess I can share that we are selling our house. The short of the story is that we are still today suffering from some bad planning from a few years ago and need to down size in several ways. We believe God has something bigger in store for us in the future and we need to get ourselves free of debt and ready to respond to what ever He would have us do. Pleas pray that God will bring the right buyer for this house and provide us with the right place to move to.
I have asked in previous months for prayer but did not reveal the details. Well, now you know. I have tried to get two separate promotions in my company without success and have looked at numerous ways to make ends meet and get caught back up on bills. It is time to stop and give it to God. This is all His stuff anyway.
I don’t understand most of what is going on with our family right now but I am sure God has a reason for it all. As it sits right now, I am going to have a ton of questions when I meet Him, but in the meantime I am going to try to get over the comma in the verse that Pastor Greg shared today an just receive God’s comfort.
God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4 (NLT)
It is time for me to lay down my mourning which has been wrapped up with worry, frustration, anger, and hurt. It is time to let Jesus carry it for me. The guilt I have been feeling is not of God and I need to get past it. Pastor Greg’s message really spoke to me today. There are many around me who know my situation. I did not even have to say a word as I wept in the arms of a prayer team member this morning at the end of our service. The pain has been almost unbearable at times, but I got some relief this morning from Jesus.
Sherry has had a pretty healthy outlook on things. She stand firm on the following:
And we know that God causes everything to work together[a] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 (NLT)
No matter what happens we know that God has a plan that includes what is happening to us at this very moment no matter how good or bad.
God bless you and yours. Thanks for checking on Caden.
Other great reading titled Ezzo Truth over at The Land of Ozz.