The following picture was taken Saturday afternoon out at Folly Beach exactly one week after Caden was moved out of the PCICU following his heart surgery.

PRAISE GOD!!! What a joy it is to see Caden doing so well.
It has now been just over ten days since the surgery for Caden. He has been back in for follow up appointments with his pediatrician, cardiologist, and ENT doctor. All are pleased with Caden’s recovery.
Caden was pulling up into a standing position within 48 hours of his discharge form the hospital. He has been performing most of his normal daily activities short of physical therapy.
Today Caden had a hearing test and passed the test on his right ear for the first time ever. It looks like the tube is doing its job. The ENT wants Caden to have another modified barium swallow on July 17th. We are praying for the healing of Caden’s swallowing problems to show during that test. Caden will resume feeding therapy this coming Friday.
Special Prayer Request for Noah
Noah and his family attend Seacoast Church and they have been faithful supporters of our family over the past couple of years. Noah will be going in for another open heart surgery this Friday at MUSC. He was diagnosed with a condition at birth which required major reconstruction of his heart through several operations. The end result is that Noah will have a heart functioning with fewer chambers than you or I have working for us.
Noah was born with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome on Feb. 22, 2003. He has had 3 open heart surgeries thus far. A BT shunt at 9 weeks, a pulmonary banding at 10 weeks and the Bi-Directional Glenn at 10 months. Noah goes into MUSC Friday 6-30-06 for his final surgery, the Fontan! Please keep him in your prayers!! (Quoted from Noah’s Carepage with minor editing to add the actual surgery date.)
Noah’s mom Ashley has been doing a great job with keeping folks updated through Noah’s Carepage. I have been given permission by Noah’s mom to publish a link to Noah’s Carepage. You will have to sign up for an user id to be able to view the page and then you can choose to get an email each time Noah’s page is updated.
Noah’s parents Ashley and Jimmy have been fighting to stay strong going into this week. Please pray for Noah and his family this week. The feelings that a parent has associated with handing a young child over to a heart surgeon are almost beyond comprehension. Your prayers and love for this family will make all the difference in the world.