We began our weekend in Clinton, SC with the Osborne family. It was a great time of family bonding and fellowship. My sister did and awesome job of of getting so many of our family members in one spot at one time. The food was outstanding. My grandmother taught all of us how to cook and everyone made her proud on this first Thanksgiving with out her. It was one year ago this week that she passed away.
Our Thanksgiving day did not come without a little drama. Caden woke up with a fever of almost 102. The doctor on call did not fell like this fever was related to any of the sickness that came with the 105 plus fever about ten days prior. He said that we were capable enough caregivers to go ahead with our trip to my sister’s house about 150 miles away. We did and Caden did fine other than some fussiness on the way home. Then the trip got a little more interesting. We stopped in Columbia, SC which was a little less than half way home. We hooked Caden up to his feeding pump and grabbed the rest of us some snacks for dinner. The afternoon Thanksgiving dinner was sitting well and we were all just wanting something light to top of the tummies for the evening. We continued on and got about 70 miles from home when my phone rang. It was a work call. It was a pretty big problem with a site in Asia that I would have to address in a timely manner. It was within 30 seconds of the phone ringing that Riley cried out and suddenly threw up right there in his car seat as we traveled down Interstate 26. I guess the crackers and orange juice didn’t sit too well on his tummy. Sherry was driving and I asked her to pull off at the nest exit which was Orangeburg. She found a Mikey D’s that was open and took Riley in to the restroom for a clean up and change of clothes. I got on Sherry’s cell phone so that I could use my Treo to connect to Internet from my laptop. The link in the previous sentence will only be interesting if you are a super geek Treo user like myself.
We stayed there in the McDonald’s parking lot long enough for me to get to a point that no longer required a connection to the Internet. We then did a dash for home so that we could free ourselves from the Stinky car and allow for me to complete the maintenance I started in Korea. Within a few miles both boys were asleep. We got the boys home and in bed without any further incidents with them. I was able to get my work done and go to bed at a fairly decent hour.
Caden continued to have a fever for most of the weekend. On Friday evening one of his ears began to drain a little and we treated it with anti-biotic ear drops. he has been chewing on things like maybe he is teething. I am convinced that fevers can occur with teething no matter what the experts say. I have seen it too many times with Riley and Caden when there were no other symptoms.
We topped off the weekend playing some Christmas music doing a little bit of decorating. Yes we do the fake (artificial) tree thing. I have added a few pictures below from this evening.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
Update on Callie
I posted a request for help in getting little Callie Stapp to Standford a few weeks ago. She and her Mom are in CA save and sound. They were able to make the trip due to the generosity of someone with some extra flyer miles. Please keep Callie in your prayers this week.
Side Notes
The daily Bible reading schedules for December – February have been posted on The Land of Ozz. The next chapter of John has been posted on the podcast readings of The Living Bible podcast. A visit to The Land of Ozz will give you a chance to see the cool new banner image that has been added to jazz that blog up a little. The Living Bible podcast can also be downloaded for free from iTunes for all of you die hard iPod junkies.