We are all doing great. Can you believe how much Caden is growing? He is catching up to his big brother. I have been asked several times this past week, “How is Caden?” Well, Caden is great. Everyone who has come in contact with him this week (therapists and caregivers) have said that he is just blossoming. His physical and communications skills (verbal and signing) seem to be in a fast track growth spurt this week. He said “Daddy” for the first time this week. I got a digital recording of some of his talking and jabbering. Listen to Caden say Daddy and then get excited about his accomplishment.
We have been so busy this past week that time is flying by. I had a little cold catch up with me last week. I have learned my threshold for pain so I went to the doctor to get some help treating the symptoms. All is better with me now.
I have some more great pictures to share, but you will have to wait for those. It is late and I need to get some sleep. May God bless you and your family today.