The whole family has seen some cold type symptoms in the recent weeks and it seems these symptoms have been trying to creep back in this weekend. Sherry asked if I would call her doctor in the morning. Before she went to bed tonight, her voice was in no condition for a telephone conversation. Caden’s ears and nose started draining a few days ago. That came with a low-grade fever as well. Riley has been coughing a little and clearing his throat. That left me solo at church today.
Today’s message at Seacoast was great. It was geared towards challenging men to consider whether they would be a candidate in God’s choice for who would serve in Joseph’s shoes as the earthy father to Jesus. The message reminded me stay mindful of The Father’s Mandate that is taught in chapter four of Growing Kids God’s Way. The GFI Charleston web site has a father’s mandate category on their newsletter page providing some tips for dad’s to help them stay actively involved with their children.
I watched a teaching this week where I heard a story of a mother who once went into her daughter’s room after bedtime to find her daughter not yet sleeping. She asked the daughter why she was not sleeping. The daughter went on to explain that she was sitting up looking at Jesus in the corner of the room. The mother asked her what Jesus looked like. The daughter then painted a beautiful picture of Jesus with her words. In the end, part of the description the daughter used said that Jesus looked like her daddy. Now that is a dad who had made a positive impression on his child’s life up to that point.
Please join us in prayer this week for all who are battling these cold and flu symptoms. We know we are not the only ones, and are praying for all of our friends and family to be healthy and whole. We are praying for everyone in our house to regain full strength, health, and comfort. Please pray for full nights of rest for all of us. The excess drainage this week has caused Caden to be suctioned much more than normal especially during his feedings. The great advantage of Caden’s maturity with his communication skills is that he is getting better at telling us when he needs suction and when he does not. Other than having a drippy nose and being clingy at times, Caden has been doing great.