First off let me say that everyone is doing pretty good. I have gone back to work this week and Grandma is in town helping Sherry out with the boys. Josiah is growing like a weed. More on that in a minute.
Caden has a big day on Tuesday. He will get his first MBS (modified barium swallow) since the botox injections and
zplasty scphinter plasty surgery done back in June. We will take Caden over for a crainiofacial team clinic immediately following the MBS. Please keep Caden in your prayers as this MBS is not a fun procedure for him even though it is a good measure of his swallowing functionality. We are planning to take the results of this MBS along with a wealth of previous data and send it to a feeding a swallowing clinic in NJ. We have contacted this clinic before, but ended up involved in more pressing issues like RSV, possible heart surgery, etc. A family I met at the GFI Conference in Chicago encouraged us with how much improvement they saw in their child’s swallowing after being treated at the St. Joseph’s Feeding and Swallowing clinic in NJ. The big down side is that if Caden were to be accepted into the clinic’s program, it could mean as much as a month long stay in NJ for Sherry and the boys. That is a long way off though, because Caden has not even been evaluated by that clinic yet. Please pray for Sherry and I to have wisdom and discernment as we move forward with feeding and swallowing related issues.
As you can see from the picture on the right, the big boys of the house are doing now that things are settling down after Josiah’s exciting arrival. I could not resist a picture of the two of them on the floor looking at books together. These are rare but beautiful moments when the adrenaline is not flowing at lightening speed in our house.
Josiah and Mommy Update
Our little JJ has been doing great. Josiah had a checkup with the pediatrician on Thursday and weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz. That is 4 oz heavier than he was discharged from the hospital and he has not seen a drop of formula. Praise God!!! Even better news is that Josiah is back up to birth weight (8 lb 10 oz) as of this morning. That means he has gained well over an once per day since being discharged from the hospital. His output has been outstanding as well. Sherry has done a great job with making sure he has received a minimum of eight full feedings per day. The process has been tough for her though. She has continued to have some nasty headaches since leaving the hospital that the doctor believes is related to the spinal. The doctor was going to have her go in for a blood patch to get rid of the headaches but opted to see her in the office instead. They altered her pain meds a little and told her to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. She has since picked up a stomach ache and nausea that seems most prominent in the evening. Please keep Sherry in your prayers as she works to get past these headaches and nausea and get as much rest as possible. She is being a super mommy to all the boys even with all the pains.