I forget to post an update on Caden’s recent illnesses. After the g-tube incident we went into several weeks of congestion and sporadic fevers. Caden went through a round of pinkeye the week before Christmas. On Christmas Eve we took Caden in for change of antibiotic to treat the fever and congestion. The doctor gave us a stronger antibiotic with a refill to get us through the holidays and it worked. Praise God! There have been only a couple of Christmases and Easters that we have experienced without a hospital visit and/or admission with Caden.
About Caden Page
One other thing I forgot to post on last night was the update to the “About Caden” page. I am still tweaking it but it is mostly up to date and a majority of the spelling and gramar errors have been cleaned up. Oh and here is a little treat for those of you who have not seen our most recent family portiat. I posted it on Facebook a few days ago but I know not all of our readers are on Facebook.

The Osbornes
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