It has been about 10 days since Caden got the cricopharyngeal myotomy. This surgery was preformed to divide (cut) the muscle that causes the UES (Upper Esophageal Sphincter) to squeeze closed. The surgery itself was completed as planned without any complications. Caden did experience some respiratory issues from being intabated (on the breathing machine) during the surgery. This required oxygen at night for about a week after the surgery. He also had a fever during a couple of nights after coming home. Sherry took him in to get some medication to treat the symptoms and he is now doing great. Caden is off oxygen and is now sleeping through most nights without even needing any suctioning.
Next Monday will be a big day for Caden. He will see the orthopedic surgeon for his six-month follow upon the scoliosis diagnosis. Later in the same day (Monday 22nd) Caden is scheduled to get a MBS (Modified Barium Swallow). We will go straight into see the ENT to get the results.