Where did the tumor go?

BIG news came this week during Sherry’s chemo appointment. The oncologist does a physical exam ever third week to measure the size of the identified lump (tumor). The doctor could not find the lump that was just three weeks earlier measured by the same doctor in the same spot as being a approximately 3 x 3 cm (about 80% the size of a ping pong ball). Praise the Lord!!! The doctor was grinning from ear to ear and I believe she was genuinely surprised. This was a physical exam, meaning it was by feel only. She asked Sherry if she had noticed it shrinking or missing. Sherry had not been been probing in the area in the weeks after the biopsy due to tenderness.

The first thing I did was text Riley. I knew he would appreciate the news as soon as I could get it to him and he was pleasantly surprised. He like many others have wanted to know if this news changes anything. In short, no. Given the aggressive nature of of this type of cancer, the doctors will want to continue the treatment plan. Sherry had already asked the breast surgeon if the chemo did its intended purpose and caused the tumor to be gone within the six months of treatment, would she still need surgery. The surgeon did not hesitate and told Sherry that she absolutely would still need surgery to remove any scar tissue even if that was all that was left. They want to leave no trace of this cancer behind to minimize the chances of reoccurrence.

My favorite comment in response to all of this came from Piper. She told me today that she loves the expression on people’s face when I tell them the news about the doctor visit.


Sherry could use your prayers in dealing with the side effects of the chemo and immunotherapy drugs. The most disruptive side effects have been itching, rash, some nausea, tiredness, and hair loss. The itching has been the worst by far. She is having some pop up rashes in random places on her body and she will itch so bad it brings her to tears. Benadryl helps, but it pretty much knocks her out for a few hours. The loss of energy (tiredness) and nausea have hit mostly on Thursdays and Fridays. These symptoms have increased some each week with each treatment. We have asked folks to bring meals on those days due to Sherry’s lack of energy to do much more than sit with one of the girls and color. The hair loss has been aggravating and it has been an emotional struggle. Sherry has had long hair for most of the past 25+ years. She had lost most of her hair as of this weekend and decided to bite the bullet and have me cut it all off tonight. I must say that I never imagined I would be shaving my wife’s head, but tonight I did. She is as beautiful without hair as with a full head of hair.

Prayer Requests:
– Please pray for Sherry and the doctors to find a way to deal with the itching, preferably in a way that is less disruptive to Sherry’s normal daily activities.
– Please pray for continued healing of her whole body.
– Pray for her strength to endure these side effects. Thursdays and Fridays have been the worst, until the itching started. Now it can be any day it seems.
– Pray for our children to be understanding and to be sensitive to their mom’s needs.
– Please pray for my continued health. I had a good report on a cholesterol that was done earlier this week.
– Thank the Lord for the wonderful news we got this week from the physical exam about the missing lump!
– Thank the Lord for the help and encouragement we have been receiving during this time. I will not try to name everyone because I will miss someone.

8 thoughts on “Where did the tumor go?

  1. Such good news about tumor. Will pray for relief from side effects and continue direction and strength for all on this journey.

    Thank you for taking time to share updates

  2. That is great news, except for all of the side effects. Thanks for letting us know about the specific prayer needs.

  3. Praise God. Prayers for all of Sherry and the family’s needs. For the itching, I think I remember Deborah using benedryl, but also some cream with cortizone in it; she also took skin-so-soft baths, and oatmeal baths. Lots of stuff to coat and soothe the skin. The hair loss is a big stressor, but it comes back. It’s been 12 years for Deborah, and she goes to the salon every week, does the whole beauty shop routine, and doesn’t have any problems now styling it like she wants it. I remember as soon as the chemo stopped, she started getting fuzz, and then it really started growing back like it was. The kids can be her secret weapon for recovery, even just sitting with her and coloring when she isn’t feeling well is a big help. And you have to take care of yourself, as the primary caretaker who is getting Sherry through this, you have a lot on your shoulders. But you have so many people praying for you out here, y’all will get thru this, don’t be afraid to ask for help! and continued prayers!!!

  4. Such good news from the doctors. We are continuously praying for all of you, especially for Sherry. Lots of love and prayers for you all. God Bless

  5. Thank you for this amazing update. Glory to GOD in the highest! Praise the LORD O my soul and forget “not” all HIS benefits. Healing is on the list! Psalm 103-2-5 Thank you for the list of specific need at this point. It’s an honor for Manny and I to lift you in prayer. GOD bless all your beautiful family! Zoe and Manny Flores

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